Tuesday 29 March 2011

Specific Direct Marketing Techniques

Communication and Negotiation in Business

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How to present your product benefits in writing   

hen you reach the stage of communication, that you have 
the best product on the market that enable suddenly becomes 
less important. Becomes less important as the fact that maybe you're the best specialist in the field. It does not matter very much either that report quality / price you are offering extraordinary. Unless it is effectively and reliably provide benefits to your clients, stay anonymous, and you’re good intentions cannot make profit.

In this article I want to give you some simple techniques for presenting the benefits of your product in writing. Warning, both techniques are valid for a student who wants to hire or a salesman, and for those who write the invitations to conferences or events. Even if they have adapted to the context, the principles that underlie writing will give weight to your message and we will make it more convincing. In this article I will use examples of the products and services sold over the Internet.
Here's a simple example - the quick read of my friend of mine, presents its advantages as follows:

Want to spend more time with family and friends?
Want to get better results in exams, with minimum effort?
You want to have more money, a promotion or a better job?
Want to be more informed and to achieve this in a short time?
Want to enjoy more success?
The secret that you develop the skills of reading and learning is right in your face. Over the next five minutes you can discover how to: ....

Why he chose to present the list of benefits of his electronically course in this manner? Because it works! This approach relies on attracting attention is called 'opening' and is meant to draw attention to the list of benefits that follow.

Here are three types of 'openness' effective presentation of benefits:

Any written promotional material should contain at least the title, benefits and conditions of purchase. To present the benefits there are several possible 'opening' that greatly help in the sale. Maybe that's why not much talks about them. In essence, they are simple techniques that anyone can apply:

1. 'YES' set

This technique is even used by my friend in the example above. DA set is probably the quickest way to winning the attention and trust. Simply put, you must get at least three answers 'YES', followed immediately by your offer. Let's take another example, ongoing rise of a persuasive communication, in which I used the following set of questions:

'You worry to avoid being manipulated?
Want to know what it means to influence with integrity?
Would you like to learn techniques of persuasion through language?
Discover tools that enable you to influence with integrity through both verbal and nonverbal language ...’

This simple technique is based on the principle of consistency. We tend to be consistent with our previous thoughts and actions. In essence, the first three questions are generally valid statements were questioned at their end. They are formulated so that the most likely answer is YES to any person. After three answers yes, the natural tendency will be to meet again yes and the next question or request. Well, this request contains the exact intention of the person who posted the message! In the above case, it was about capturing attention and awakens curiosity.

Other examples of applying the set 'YES' occur frequently in commercials and advertisements. I wonder if the promotions on radio currently use this technique when....

2. Impressive Acts

People buy products associated with emotions triggered by those products. Therefore, a good opening will include elements to impress. Here are some forms that have an effect:

"You can get right now the key elements that define persuasion, decoded and refined by experts in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Neurosemantics."

'Ancient Chinese discipline Thai Chi is renowned for how to help people improve their performance by raising awareness of the connection in mind - body.'

'Over 25 years of experience working with groups, and research conducted by Dr. Roger Greenaway experiential learning in the forefront of the industry that we recommend. Dr. Greenaway offers training courses for trainers in over 25 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa’

Impressive facts have an impact but must be carefully selected and appropriate context. Not every impressive fact is suitable to any product or service offered. As a final recommendation, the facts must be summarized impressive. The aim is not submitting a resume or composing dense epics, but the conviction with efficiency.

3. Quotations

Quotations are sentences that invariably arouse strong interest of the audience. It might be proverbs, maxims, aphorisms or statements of some famous characters.

The reason for opening the quoted work is that it allows a transfer of credibility. We all learned that proverbs are expressions of popular wisdom, that of a rich individual and collective experiences. Just observe and Miguel de Cervantes - 'a proverb is a short sentence based on an extensive training'.
You can use quotes in two ways: either to emphasize a 'truth' that it expresses your product or service, or to deny a 'truth' is no longer valid.

For example, an electronic course on communication in the first minutes of a meeting, open to present the benefits that we did look like this:

A: 'You never have a second chance to make a first impression. Discover the techniques tested, simple and powerful, which will allow you to build relationships of trust in business and social life'. Then follows the list of benefits...
For opening statements by denying the quotes, to take two examples:

B: 'They say if you get what you've done what you've got! In fact, things are not. If you do what you've done your plate you eat another! Use this unique opportunity to benefit from these long-term benefits'. Follow the list...

C: 'better late than never ... So is it? You really want to leave for later'. Follow the list...

In conclusion, the openings oriented benefits are key elements of the written presentation. Potential customers actually buy those benefits and to buy them, should get in contact with them. The formula is actually open 'package' of benefits and quality of this package is not neglected. Other forms of this advantage include the 'definition', 'ultimate benefit' and 'trigger curiosity'.

These methods come together under the concept of Neuro-Linguistic Marketing, which studies the impact of linguistic patterns in promoting products and services.
More on this topic I will present in a future article.


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